Apple's Middle Finger........ read it right the middle finger of apple is pointed at you.

Apple makes some absolutely fantastic products.That is for sure. The issue is not with the quality of their products, but the attitude in which the company operates.

They are giving their customers the middle finger, and for some reason the customers are thanking them for it.
That seems AWKWARD!

I make the argument that it doesn’t have to be this way. If we want Apple to stop treating their customers with disrespect, we need to stop praising them for doing so.Start it from today.

Apple makes luxury products. They are built to last for only a short time and cost more than they should. This is okay, but it’s not okay to look down on someone, simply because they have chosen not to buy Apple. I can’t say this enough times: The photo, webpage, video or song you’re working on has no idea what brand-name your computer is.