The 62-year-old Wozniak, who is portrayed in the film by actor Josh Gad, formed Apple Computer with Jobs in 1976. The film attempts to portray the defining years of Steve Jobs’ life. Jobs died on Oct. 5, 2011. He was 56.
Wozniak said the first thing that struck him as inaccurate were the personalities.
Another thing Wozniak said the film got wrong was the wardrobe.
“The portrayal in the clip was a little absurd… I never wore a tie or looked like a professional,” he said. “And in that scene I kind of looked like a real professional…”
So what would Steve Jobs think of his portrayal?
“I think he would have been a little offended and embarrassed by it just like myself… I think he would say that was, you know, a little bit too phony,” Wozniak said.
Wozniak said he just watched one scene and the entire film might be great.
I also think the movie would be great ........for more you can go to http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/technology/2013/01/apple-co-founder-steve-wozniak-criticizes-jobs-biopic-film/
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