Its very sad and really fantastic to hear about this news.....Android and Google Chrome are separating. Whoa..!! now user will have a much better experience as they will get much more of choice in the market....and if one wants to take it is sad also as they will never ever get the same experience so....Its all for good...;)
Android and Google Chrome Separates
Its very sad and really fantastic to hear about this news.....Android and Google Chrome are separating. Whoa..!! now user will have a much better experience as they will get much more of choice in the market....and if one wants to take it is sad also as they will never ever get the same experience so....Its all for good...;)
Next-Gen Android Brower
Mozilla and Samsung are teaming up and planning for a next-generation smartphone browser called “Servo.” The new browser will be written in a new programming language called “Rust,” which Mozilla has been working on for the past several years.
The objective of Servo is to ”attempt to rebuild the Web browser from the ground up on modern hardware, rethinking old assumptions along the way,” says CTO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich in an extended post on Mozilla’s blog.
We need to be prepared to take advantage of tomorrow’s faster, multi-core, heterogeneous computing architectures. This means addressing the causes of security vulnerabilities while designing a platform that can fully utilize the performance of tomorrow’s massively parallel hardware to enable new and richer experiences on the Web.”
As for Samsung’s role in the development of Servo and Rust, Eich claims that they have already contributed heavily over the last few years.
“Samsung has already contributed an ARM backend to Rust and the build infrastructure necessary to cross-compile to Android, along with many other improvements,” he said.
Along with the announcement, Mozilla has also released Rust 0.6, which will be stable very shortly. The source code for both Rust and Servo can be found in the included links. Mozilla has asked the community to join in the process of making this new browser a reality.
Spinoff Star Wars Films in the Works
There’s going to be a new Star Wars film, Disney CEO confirmed on Tuesday. No, not Episode VII or even subsequent episodes following that. A new new film, a standalone, that will focus on Star Wars characters, though it’s unclear at this point which one(s).
In an interview with CNBC, Bob Iger said a few standalone films are indeed in the works, and that Larry Kasdan and Simon Kinberg are both involved. Rumors have swirled that a possible film could focus on the mystique of Yoda, which would certainly please quite a few fans of the beloved character. As long as we stay as far away from Jar Jar Binks as possible.
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and GSM (Global System for Mobiles) are shorthand for the two major radio systems used in cell phones. Both acronyms tend to group together a bunch of technologies run by the same entities.
1. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications).............. GSM is the “branded” term referring to a particular use of TDMA (Time-Division Multiple Access) technology. GSM is the dominant technology used around the globe and is available in more than 100 countries. It is the standard for communication for most of Asia and Europe. GSM operates on four separate frequencies: You’ll find the 900MHz and 1,800MHz bands in Europe and Asia and the 850MHz and 1,900MHz (sometimes referred to as 1.9GHz) bands in North America and Latin America. GSM allows for eight simultaneous calls on the same radio frequency and uses “narrowband” TDMA, the technology that enables digital transmissions between a mobile phone and a base station. With TDMA the frequency band is divided into multiple channels which are then stacked together into a single stream, hence the term narrowband. This technology allows several callers to share the same channel at the same time.
2. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access).............................. CDMA takes an entirely different approach from GSM/TDMA. CDMA spreads data out over the channel after the channel is digitized. Multiple calls can then be overlaid on top of one another across the entire channel, with each assigned its own “sequence code” to keep the signal distinct. CDMA offers more efficient use of an analog transmission because it allows greater frequency reuse, as well as increasing battery life, improving the rate of dropped calls, and offering far greater security than GSM/TDMA. For this reason CDMA has strong support from experts who favor widespread development of CDMA networks across the globe. Currently, you will find CDMA mostly in the United States, Canada, and North and South Korea. (As an interesting aside, CDMA was actually invented for the military during World War II for field communications.)
GSM | CDMA | |
Storage Type: | Internal Memory | SIM (subscriber identity module) Card |
Global market share: | 25% | 75% |
Dominance: | Dominant standard in the U.S. | Dominant standard worldwide except the U.S. |
Data transfer: | Faster on EVDO platform which is applicable in CDMA only | GPRS is again very slowforward |
Network: | There is one physical channel and a special code for every device in the coverage network. Using this code, the signal of the device is multiplexed, and the same physical channel is used to send the signal. | Every cell has a corresponding network tower, which serves the mobile phones in that cellular area. |
Getting IP address
How to get IP Address of any website?
To find address of any site just simply go to command prompt and type ping "name of website" .....without the inverted commas.
You will get the IP address of the following website in the brackets as shown in the image.
Here are the IP addresses of some websites :-
Backup your to??
Online Backup:-
1.Encryption – When a good service provider is used, they are able to limit the number of people who can access the data by transforming it to make it readable only to people with special knowledge. This prevents external disruptions by unnecessary parties. Such transformations make use of use high-level algorithms.
2.Accessibility – As long as one can access the internet, restoring takes a few minutes. This relieves one from carrying hard disks and other external media forms at all time in case one needs to use stored data. Some service provider update current data as soon as changes are detected.
3.Safety from natural disaster and theft – The data is saved in networks and not in tangible form. Having a company that secures its data in many locations and protects it from natural disaster ensures safety of data. Safety from natural disaster happens only if the backup company has set up the data centers in a way that any natural disaster cannot come into contact with the data even if it’s floods.
4..Advanced setup – There are many available setups on how to secure data and so there is no need to spend a lot of money on such setups. Use the locally available set ups. The set up are easy to access and make data accessible at any time on the web. Costs and time that could have been used on such set ups is saved. They are different and so they cater for the need of many people. It is easy to get a set up that meets your needs.
1.It denies one total control of the data. This does not mean that you will not access it through the web but that there are things you might not be able to do with the data unlike while using offline media, where one has total and direct control of the information.
2.This method limits its use by everyone because you have to be connected to the internet to use it.
3.The time taken to restore or upload data is dependent on the data available and one is at the mercy of the network connection to determine the time taken processing. This is a common problem because only a few people afford fiber optics with a high speed.
4.Total dependence on the internet connection. The speed of uploading, restoring and backing up is fully dependent on the connectivity of your internet. If it is slow, a longer time is needed and if the connection is cut off or is faulty, the process is stopped. The worst thing is that you have little or no control over this and so the inconveniences are inevitable.
Offline Backup:-
1.It is faster to restore data using this method than the online one, as the server performs one activity at a time. The data being restored cannot be accessed before the process is over.
2.Data that is in the updating process is not backed up. This acts as a safety measure. This reduces tampering with the original data.
3.They are accessible at any time as they are close to one’s working area or at home. The restoration starts as soon as they are plugged in and it can take place when you want to, as their running is not dependent on external sources for the process to take place.
4.They are safe from cyber security breaches. However, when not properly kept, their safety can be compromised.
5.They are portable and can be carried around to store if you want to store them in different locations and in case one wants to always have it as a safety precaution at all times.
6.It is cheaper as there are no monthly charges for the service to be offered, as long as the media has a large storage space, there will be no need for extra costs on storage every now and then.
1.They can be destroyed whenever natural disaster occurs. Calamity may completely cause wiping out of any data on the media and the media itself. Water does not destroy the media but destroys the data which is the most important. Other forms of calamities tamper with data and the media or just the data.
2.The media is prone to theft. Thieves might access private information making it disastrous for the owner. For example, bank details including pin numbers or information that one can use as blackmail against the owner can be accessed from such back-up sources.
3.Hard drives may fail. They malfunction due to a normal malfunction or influence by external sources. The computer, in this case can no longer access the data.
4.Tape disks failure – It is among the most reliable media but when it comes close to or in contact with a magnet, it affects its functionality. They are also affected by weather conditions such as humidity.
5.The database cannot be accessed by the user when the process is ongoing. This wastes a lot of time.
Have you ever thought........???
Suppose a laser beam is shot horizontally will it curve downwards towards earth because of gravity?
Technically, the answer to this question is yes. But for all practical purposes, it's no. Let me explain...
To gather more information you can go to ...............
Technically, the answer to this question is yes. But for all practical purposes, it's no. Let me explain...
For most practical purposes, light moves in a straight line. However, it does bend a little due to gravity. The small curvature of light passing near the Sun was first observed in 1919. The agreement of that curvature with the prediction of General Relativity was the first big piece of evidence for General Relativity. However, the curvature near the Earth is much smaller even than near the Sun, because the Earth is very small compared to the Sun. Really big curvature of light by gravity occurs near the strange objects called black holes, which were also predicted by General Relativity.
So yes, the light ray from your laser will technically be bent by the earth's gravity. But no, the effect will not be enough to be noticeable.
To gather more information you can go to ...............
'Flu Monday' —Feb 18 is sickest day of the year
Because it's all about 'Flu Monday'.
Medical experts have named today ‘Flu Monday’ because today is the sickest day of the year with more people suffering from colds and flu than at any time over 12 months.
The main cause of this sickest day is rise in socialising after Valentine’s Day and a ‘retox’ of habits such as drinking and smoking after clean living in January, is to blame.
A poll of more than 2,000 people revealed that 71 per cent attempted give up smoking, drink less and eat a healthier diet after the festive excess. However by February half have already given up the new lifestyle and returned to their old habits, according to the study for Kleenex Balsam tissues.
Experts warned that after a month of being health conscious, returning to old ways can be a “shock to our system”.
Today is the day you are most likely to catch cold !!
So.....Take Care ;) =D
Compresses 1GB file to 10MB file.....Whoa!!!
That may seem impossible to you all but wait is a software that lets you do so. So you can now get a 1GB file transformed into 10MB.
KGB Archiver is free and open source software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Version 2 beta 2 is available for Microsoft Windows and a command line version of KGB Archiver 1.0 is available for Unix-like operating systems. KGB Archiver is one of the few applications that works with the PAQ algorithm for making its KGB files. It has ten levels of compression, from very weak to maximum, a greater variety than that found in most other compression software. However, at higher compression levels, the time required to compress a file increases significantly.
System requirements
256 MB RAM
1.5 GHz processor
Here is a video how to grab the super compressing software.........
Removing the seen feature ........
Now, If you want to get rid of this .......... read this article thoroughly ..... this only is going to tell .....How To??
This is very simple, the only thing you need to do is just download an extension for your respective Brower.
Steps To add Browser Extension to your Computers
You’ll have to Install Download FB Unseen extension.
Click on “Add To Chrome”.
If you are new in Chrome a pop-up window will appear after you click on “Add To Chrome”, simply click on “Install” button and after few seconds your extension is ready.
Once you have installed FB Unseen extension to your chrome browser, your friends or conversational partners will no longer be able to see whether you have read messages sent by them or not.
To uninstall FB unseen extension click on Chrome Web Store –>Extension. From there you can uninstall the extension by clicking on remove.
Well if you wan to take my advice you don't do it .......cause it tells whether some one is ignoring you or not ..I leave it to you what to do or what not to do.
Tracking E-mails
A service called Bananatag can tell you someone actually opened that email you sent, or whether they just ignored and trashed it and we have got a special feature which does not allow to track you.
Isn't it interesting??? so,....
How Bananatag Works
Bananatag is available as a Chrome or Firefox extension for Gmail, a plugin for Outlook, or use it with any other web client using a simple tweak to your contact's addresses. It's free for 5 messages a day, but $5 a month gives you unlimited tracking.
It's actually nothing new: email marketers have been using the same tracking techniques for a long time, to tell how many people open their newsletters, click the links inside, and so on.
How to Avoid Being Tracked
Using a service like Bananatag could be useful for a number of reasons, but it's also creepy to think that your friends could be tracking the emails they send you this very same way. Luckily, there's an easy way around it: if you get an email that asks you to display images, just reject your mail client's request to display them. Obviously you can't do this for every email (since some will have pictures you want to open), but if you get an email that makes no mention of images but asks you to display them, that's a hint that the sender may be using a service like Bananatag.
More importantly, don't ever click a link in an email if you don't know where it goes. Hover over the link and check its destination in the bottom left corner of your window first. If the link text doesn't match the link that shows up in the bottom corner, that link is going somewhere else. Bananatag isn't out to get you; they just want to track your clicks, but other evildoers can use this same trick to get into your bank account, PayPal account, or something similar, so it's a good rule to follow. If the link text goes somewhere you trust, copy and paste it into your browser's address bar instead of clicking on it.
Bananatag is an interesting service with some worthwhile uses, but we could understand why one might find it creepy, too, so the techniques it uses are good to be aware of. You can't protect yourself fully (unless you never open images in emails), but it's good to be on the lookout should a service like this become more popular with, say, increasingly nosy friends. Hit the link to see more about the service.
So to get started go to the following link ..........
and you also go to for a brief summary of the software.
Microsoft's new stores in progress..........
The company already has 51 stores that were opened in 2012 to help usher in both Windows 8 and the Windows RT Surface and Windows Surface with Windows 8 Pro tablets.
Its seem that the company is following Apple for better and active participation of the customers.Lets see and hope that the company will come up with better and effective methods in future.
Creating New Steve Jobs ........
Nolan Bushnell Explains How to Find the Next Steve Jobs.
Refer to the following link for the video ......
Steve Jobs before co-founding Apple in his parent’s garage in 1976, he first entered the tech world working for Atari founder Nolan Bushnell who was riding sky high after the success of the video game Pong. Jobs was put to work creating the follow up, along with Steve Wozniak, in turning Pong into a single player video game, and the hit Breakout was the eventual result.
For more go to ........
Its Mark Leakey's Birthday .......!!!
Mary Leakey (6 February 1913 – 9 December 1996) was a British archaeologist and anthropologist, who discovered the first fossilized Proconsul skull, an extinct ape now believed to be ancestral to humans, and also discovered the robust Zinjanthropus skull at Olduvai Gorge. For much of her career she worked together with her husband, Louis Leakey, in Olduvai Gorge, uncovering the tools and fossils of ancient hominines. She developed a system for classifying the stone tools found at Olduvai. She also discovered the Laetoli footprints. In 1960 she became director of excavation at Olduvai and subsequently took it over, building her own staff. After the death of her husband, she became a leading palaeoanthropologist, helping to establish the Leakey tradition by training her son, Richard, in the field.
Go to to explore her life ............
Thank You......
Go to to explore her life ............
Thank You......
9th Anniversary of Mars Opportunity Rover....
It's been 3,201 days, and still counting. The rover has driven 22.03 miles, mostly at a snail's pace, from one crater to another, stopping for months at a time in the frigid Martian winters. The six motorized wheels, rated to turn 2.5 million times, have lasted 70 million in total, according to NASA, and are all still working.
It was never supposed to be such long .....but it proved to be a great success.
John Callas, manager of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover project says,"Opportunity is still in very good health, especially considering what it's gone through.The surface of Mars is a pretty tough place; there can be temperature fluctuations of a hundred degrees each day. That's pretty hard on the hardware."
You can go to the following website for the Pictures: Postcards From Mars ..........
Thank You ..................
Thank You ..................
Steve Wozniak Criticizes Steve Jobs Biopic Film

The 62-year-old Wozniak, who is portrayed in the film by actor Josh Gad, formed Apple Computer with Jobs in 1976. The film attempts to portray the defining years of Steve Jobs’ life. Jobs died on Oct. 5, 2011. He was 56.
Wozniak said the first thing that struck him as inaccurate were the personalities.
Another thing Wozniak said the film got wrong was the wardrobe.
“The portrayal in the clip was a little absurd… I never wore a tie or looked like a professional,” he said. “And in that scene I kind of looked like a real professional…”
So what would Steve Jobs think of his portrayal?
“I think he would have been a little offended and embarrassed by it just like myself… I think he would say that was, you know, a little bit too phony,” Wozniak said.
Wozniak said he just watched one scene and the entire film might be great.
I also think the movie would be great ........for more you can go to
Thank You ...........
THQ broken up........
Oh no! I still remember the only game of THQ which I played for years RAW!!! But now I think I will not get that effective effect when I will play RAW....After having so much loss in financial field THQ has now been broken up into little bits and sold off to gaming publishers around the world. Their assets are in virtual transit, and the publishing brand no longer exists.
The news was delivered to employees by way of a letter from the now former THQ President Jeff Rubin and CEO Brian Farrell.
THQ is no longer a thing.....
Google faces legal actions......
Yes....Google is facing legal actions against alleged secret tracking of the internet habits of millions of iPhone users.This is the first time Google has been threatened with a group claim over privacy in the UK
A news stated,"10 million UK iPhone users could have grounds to sue Google after it sidestepped Apple security settings to monitor web habits......."
A Facebook group called Safari Users Against Google's Secret Tracking has vowed to hold Google to account for the tracking. It said: "Google deliberately undermined protections on the Safari browser so that they could track users' internet usage and to provide personally tailored advertising based on the sites previously visited. There was no way to know that Google did this. In fact, they made it clear that they did not do this on the Safari browser."
The legal action comes just months after Google was hit with a $22.5m (£14m) fine in the US over a privacy breach between summer 2011 and spring 2012.
App guide to FaceWash......
A awesome app for being professional.........which is available for desktop only and that to free!!!!
Most Facebook users have embarrassing comments or status updates hidden in the depths of their social network profile — long forgotten but not gone. So why not tidy up a little with the new FaceWash Web app?
Too easy to use ...... you just have to go to the FaceWash website and log in with Facebook Id and password and just clean up all the dirt.
FaceWash is easy to use and the website provides a quick and thorough overview on how to use it in case you have questions before you get started. However, it is important to know, the app remains in Beta stage, so you can expect some minor glitches here and there. Still, the developers plan to continue to roll out improvements over the coming months. Chances are you or someone you know on your Facebook page posted something somewhere you would rather not have to explain to a hiring manager … so why not freshen up your profile?
Awesome animated GIF.....
1.When you are feeling sarcastic.
2.When you are proud of yourself.
3.When you see something that pleases you only.
4.When something deserves a thumb down.
4.When you feel disappointed.
5.When someone needs to mind their own business.
6.When you’re not sure what you just heard
7.When you are getting progressively angrier
8.When You Can’t Decide
9.When Even the Cat is Surprised
10.When You Don’t Want Someone to Say Something
Not one man show............
Yes dear friends E=mc2 was not only the work of great scientist Albert Einstein but some more physicist were involved for the discovery of this formula.......
A news paper article says.........
Two American physicists outline the role played by Austrian physicist Friedrich Hasenöhrl in establishing the proportionality between the energy (E) of a quantity of matter with its mass (m) in a cavity filled with radiation. In a paper about to be published in the European Physical Journal H, Stephen Boughn from Haverford College in Pensylvannia and Tony Rothman from Princeton University in New Jersey argue how Hasenöhrl's work, for which he now receives little credit, may have contributed to the famous equation E=mc2.............
For complete news you can follow the website.........
Thank you ............ ;) :)
Cool Stuff.........iRig HD
iRig HD, announced at NAMM on Thursday, has made it easy for all the musicians to record themself on one go.......YEah thats true!!
Hope u will like the video........ ;) :)
iRig HD, announced at NAMM on Thursday, has made it easy for all the musicians to record themself on one go.......YEah thats true!!
Hope u will like the video........ ;) :)
Internet Explorer Reloaded!!
Microsoft has recently advertised Internet Explorer and some awesome things of the 1990's. Please do watch it if you are a child of the 90's will give you a very amazing experience.
Technology is all about innovation and this video tells you that you should use something from the 90's to do work of today....
Enjoy the trip down the memory lane and Hope u will like it.....
U Made it possible.......
Oh yes.....All that idiocy and awful behavior you see online is at least partially your fault, and by that I mean the very broad "you" that also includes me. I'm so sorry.
#3. You Invented the Troll by Arguing With Crazy People
To be clear, no one has ever walked away from one of spirited comment debates whatever may be the topic(including me) and that only gave rise to Trolls ....hmm..u should feel proud that u were a great help for the inventions of trolls.
The only way for lean and desperate news outlets to get traffic from aggregators and blogs is if each article is absolutely shocking. As a result, the stories get fudged a little until they're more sharable for an online audience.But here's the problem: The stories still have to originate somewhere. Someone has to do the fact checking, and the source checking, and the interviews, and break the stories, but those people are all getting fired left and right because we've ensured that journalism isn't a viable career option anymore.
People nowadays are just using the technics of cut,copy and pate.Unfortunately, what can only earn that secondhand poster a handful of thumbs-up icons is actually costing the original creator a whole lot more. Those people are stealing the success of the thing they love and actively trying to tuck the artist away in their own personal dark corner of the Internet.
#3. You Invented the Troll by Arguing With Crazy People
To be clear, no one has ever walked away from one of spirited comment debates whatever may be the topic(including me) and that only gave rise to Trolls ....hmm..u should feel proud that u were a great help for the inventions of trolls.
#2. Your Relentless Pursuit of Novelty Ruined News
#1. You Reward People for Stealing Content
Project Glass.....
I would like to quote myself "Technology has no limitations."
Yes,friends true that technology is endless whatever you invent you always get a idea of something that is better that the previous one.
So here is a project by Google known as PROJECT GLASS.....
Project Glass is a Google program aimed at developing augmented reality technology, where information is directly in the field of view on a pair of glasses - like RoboCop or The Terminator.
Here is a video of the project really will be amazed.
Maybe Google is Building a Smart Watch
Google, somewhere down the line, may have a sparking interest in changing the way we use watches. Plenty of companies are already trying this now, including Casio, Sony and Pebble Technology, but Google has a mobile operating system to work with, plenty of engineers and plenty of cash. So will it happen?
According to Business Insider, yes. The news outlet says it recently spoke with a source who said Google is “actively exploring the idea” of developing a device that will probably do more than tell time. Will it let us surf the web? Video chat with friends? Shoot lasers across the room? That much we don’t know, and “exploring the idea” could be as simple as sketching a picture of a watch on paper.
Still, Google is already actively trying to develop wearable technology through its Google Glass augmented reality project, so it’s not so far fetched the firm may want to spruce up our wrists as well.
According to Business Insider, yes. The news outlet says it recently spoke with a source who said Google is “actively exploring the idea” of developing a device that will probably do more than tell time. Will it let us surf the web? Video chat with friends? Shoot lasers across the room? That much we don’t know, and “exploring the idea” could be as simple as sketching a picture of a watch on paper.
Still, Google is already actively trying to develop wearable technology through its Google Glass augmented reality project, so it’s not so far fetched the firm may want to spruce up our wrists as well.
Apple's Middle Finger........
Apple makes some absolutely fantastic products.That is for sure. The issue is not with the quality of their products, but the attitude in which the company operates.
They are giving their customers the middle finger, and for some reason the customers are thanking them for it.
That seems AWKWARD!
I make the argument that it doesn’t have to be this way. If we want Apple to stop treating their customers with disrespect, we need to stop praising them for doing so.Start it from today.
Apple makes luxury products. They are built to last for only a short time and cost more than they should. This is okay, but it’s not okay to look down on someone, simply because they have chosen not to buy Apple. I can’t say this enough times: The photo, webpage, video or song you’re working on has no idea what brand-name your computer is.
Awesome to learn......
Click the button to get a confirm box.
Learn this awesome trick by me by following me ....... ;)
Learn this awesome trick by me by following me ....... ;)
Google Bomb: The Atom Bomb of The Internet
Have you ever heard about the term ‘GOOGLE BOMB?’ I personally believed that this term is unfamiliar with most of you. Instead of not knowing the term, everyone experiences this while using internet. Here I explain to those who are unknown by this term. The main purpose of the youth is to gain more and more knowledge about each and every small thing. There is always a source to gain knowledge. Youth consider ‘GOOGLE’- as the Ultimate Guru. With their education, Googling is also the main part of their life.
Generally if we want to get some information about any topic or the matter, we prefer Google first. Do we think about it that why we prefer Google first? The reason behind this is before we think on that topic or matter, mastermind Google already think upon it and gives us the best consequences. Similarly, if Google already knows that what we want to know, why do we not try to know more and more about the Google.
What is Google bomb?
Google bomb is generally on the political issues or some are related to pranks and some are related to ego and self promotion. Google bomb damages the good name or business name to direct people to negative information. These negative informations are in the form of any comment posted in the blogs or any other site or by creating own web page to destroy and damage the reputation of any business or any famous name.
The biggest example of the Google bomb was the phrase ‘Miserable failure.’ This bomb was created in 2003. When the phrase ‘miserable failure’ was searched, it resulted in the biography of George W. Bush although this phrase does not use anywhere in his biography.
Famous example of Google Bombing :
1. Talentless hack:
Adam Mathes launched the first Google bomb by linking the website of his friend Andy Pressman to the phrase ‘Talentless hack.’ He mentioned the term ‘Google bombing’ in the article that appeared on 6 april 2001.
2. French military victories:
This Google bomb was created by Steve Lerner n 2003. When the phrase ‘French military victories’ entered in the search engine and hit I’m feeling lucky then the search said ‘Your search- French military victories- did not match any document’ and ask “Did you mean: French military victories.”
3. Terrorist sympathizer:
A Google bomb was created to the personal website of Bill O’Reilly in November 2005. Bill O’Reilly is famous for social and political views. By placing Bill O’ on website than it resulted as ‘Terrorist sympathizer.’
4. Chuck Norris finds you :
Arran Schlosberg created a site ‘No Chuck Norris’ for making fool of this website users. When they entered the ‘Chuck Norris’ and hit I’m feeling lucky, it informs you “Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.”
5. Tony Blair- a liar:
In 2005, a search for the word ‘liar’ resulted in the official biography of British Prime Minister- Tony Blair. In his Biography, there is detailer information of war in the Iraq and search for the weapons of mass destruction.
What is the response of Google on this activity:
Google says that it defends its algorithm which is not damaging the quality of services. An attempt is made to reduce the effect of google bombing and try to eliminate many google bombs.
In 2005, the statement by the Google conclude with:
“We don’t condone the practice of Google Bombing, or any other action that seeks to affect the integrity of our search results, but we’re also reluctant to alter our results by hand in order to prevent such items from showing up. Pranks like this may be distracting to some but they don’t affect the overall quality of our search service, whose objectivity as always remains the core of our mission.”
What are the negative impacts of google bombing:
Mostly, grudging and ambiguous people who are mentally unstable do such type of act on the internet. These kind of persons make a fake site and linked with your personal site for their entertainment and directly attacks on your reputation.
If you have your own business and have a lots of contact with the large number of mass then this could happen with you anytime. Such type of people mistreated with your site by doing such illegal action. So it is very important for you to keep complete protection of your site and keep away such type of grudging people. The google bombing is generally done by those people whom you trusted a lot and you know them very well.
What are the steps to get protection from google bomb:
It is necessary to protect yourself from google bombing to save your reputation and you fame. To stop negative information from the search results create your own ‘Google bomb’ which contains the positive information about you.
Or you can create your own blog, create your own websites, create your own personal pages on social networking sites life Facebook, orkut , My space etc. to resort you reputation.
Is Google bomb ended now:
Well this is the best question that arises in everyone’s mind generally who were suffering from the Google bomb. Google , in January 2007, announced that they had mangled their search algorithm to exploit the Google bombs. They also announced that the Google bomb of phrase ‘miserable failure’ was stop working now.
But this time the answer of this question is ‘No, the Google bomb is not at all ended.’ It again came in existence in April 2007, when the bomb of miserable failure again reappeared. This was happen just because The White House website made a mistake of using the word ‘Failure’ in their featured article.
To come out from this problem, Barack Obama again designed the website of White House and did not link with its older website. In this way Google Bomb of phrase ‘miserable failure’ finally destroyed. And if we enter this phrase, the search results either the explanation of this Google bomb or the exact meaning of this phrase.
How Hacking Can Take Your Life
In 2008 a group of hackers highlighted how someone could use an antenna, radio hardware and a PC to deliver a lethal shock to an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD).
In Hollywood there is a movie about the assassination of a political target. The hacker cum assassin exploited wireless vulnerabilities in pacemakers and insulin pumps to stop them from working leading the victim to die.
Radcliffe said to the press “My initial reaction was that this was really cool from a technical perspective. The second reaction was one of maybe sheer terror, to know that there’s no security around the devices which are a very active part of keeping me alive.”
How This Kind Of Hack Works?
Security Researchers all around the world are taking this seriously are worried of these potentially fatal hacking attacks. They are working on some security measures like password protection for such medical devices.
It is not just the medical field which is feeling the heat. Computer viruses are also responsible for many indirect deaths.
In 2008, the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported that computer viruses may have contributed to the Spanair plane crash which killed 154 people in Madrid two years ago. The 12,000 page accident summary report explains that the Spanair central computer was trojan-infected and therefore failed to trigger an alarm which would have grounded the plane. After this accident, FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) showed its inability to effectively monitor air traffic control from such cyber-attacks.
How to Access Blocked Website Anywhere?
1). TOR
Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It was originally developed with the U.S. Navy in mind, for the primary purpose of protecting government communications. TOR helps to keep websites from tracking and to access blocked websites by their local internet providers.
How TOR Works?
Tor distributes your packet transactions over several places on the Internet, so no single point can link you to your original destination. Instead of taking a direct route from source to destination, data packets on the Tor network take a random pathway through several relays that cover your tracks so no observer at any single point can tell where the data came from or where it’s going.
2) VPN (Virtual Private Network)
VPN short for Virtual Private Network is also a good way to get access to blocked websites or blocked content by circumventing geo, IP or other blockades. You can roam the Internet freely and uncensored, visit geo restricted web sites, watch blocked videos and investigate all topics of interest unhindered from your government, your school, your university or your employer. A simple example: If a content item, like a music video clip, is not available in your country, just log-in to one of our outside-your-country servers and virtually become an inhabitant of the respective nation.
3). Google Public DNS
As some of the blocks are DNS (Domain Name System) based, so if you change the DNS you can get access to the blocked website. Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider. It will get the results you expect with absolutely no redirection. Google Public DNS complies with the DNS standards and gives the user the exact response his or her computer expects without performing any blocking, filtering, or redirection that may hamper a user’s browsing experience.
How to Use It?
1. Go to Control Panel
2. If you’re on Category view, click on View network status and tasks
3. If you’re on Large or Small icons view, click on Network and Sharing Center
4. Click on Change adapter settings that are on the left hand sidebar.
5. Right click on Broadband Connection and select Properties
6. Go to Networking tab
7. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) to highlight it and click the Properties button.
8. Select “Use the following DNS server addresses” and enter the following DNS servers:
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:
9. Click OK on all windows.
4). Proxy Websites
It works as a kind of wall between your server so that you can access things that you’re not allowed to access on certain computers you type in a web site address and it will take you straight to it this is good for when it won’t let you access through the internet
Here is the complete list of proxy websites
5). Using IP Address Instead of the Website URL
This depends on the software/application used. Sometimes blocked sites are stored as a list of URLs (eg.,,etc) and typing the IP instead of the URL might sometimes work. In a local computer, doing a ping command in Command Prompt (Mac users use Terminal) will return you the IP address. You can also do it online via
6). Using URL Shorteners
Sometimes the URL you intend to browse might be ban, but converting them to another a shorter URL with short URL services might just help you to bypass the settings.
Here are some of the most famous URL shortners Service providers:,, and
7). Using HTTPS Instead of HTTP
We also noticed that by using https instead of http in the url address, we get bypass the firewall that blocks certain website. It might be due to the fact that the firewall treats and as totally different websites.
Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It was originally developed with the U.S. Navy in mind, for the primary purpose of protecting government communications. TOR helps to keep websites from tracking and to access blocked websites by their local internet providers.
How TOR Works?
Tor distributes your packet transactions over several places on the Internet, so no single point can link you to your original destination. Instead of taking a direct route from source to destination, data packets on the Tor network take a random pathway through several relays that cover your tracks so no observer at any single point can tell where the data came from or where it’s going.
2) VPN (Virtual Private Network)
VPN short for Virtual Private Network is also a good way to get access to blocked websites or blocked content by circumventing geo, IP or other blockades. You can roam the Internet freely and uncensored, visit geo restricted web sites, watch blocked videos and investigate all topics of interest unhindered from your government, your school, your university or your employer. A simple example: If a content item, like a music video clip, is not available in your country, just log-in to one of our outside-your-country servers and virtually become an inhabitant of the respective nation.
3). Google Public DNS
As some of the blocks are DNS (Domain Name System) based, so if you change the DNS you can get access to the blocked website. Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider. It will get the results you expect with absolutely no redirection. Google Public DNS complies with the DNS standards and gives the user the exact response his or her computer expects without performing any blocking, filtering, or redirection that may hamper a user’s browsing experience.
How to Use It?
1. Go to Control Panel
2. If you’re on Category view, click on View network status and tasks
3. If you’re on Large or Small icons view, click on Network and Sharing Center
4. Click on Change adapter settings that are on the left hand sidebar.
5. Right click on Broadband Connection and select Properties
6. Go to Networking tab
7. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) to highlight it and click the Properties button.
8. Select “Use the following DNS server addresses” and enter the following DNS servers:
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:
9. Click OK on all windows.
4). Proxy Websites
It works as a kind of wall between your server so that you can access things that you’re not allowed to access on certain computers you type in a web site address and it will take you straight to it this is good for when it won’t let you access through the internet
Here is the complete list of proxy websites
5). Using IP Address Instead of the Website URL
This depends on the software/application used. Sometimes blocked sites are stored as a list of URLs (eg.,,etc) and typing the IP instead of the URL might sometimes work. In a local computer, doing a ping command in Command Prompt (Mac users use Terminal) will return you the IP address. You can also do it online via
6). Using URL Shorteners
Sometimes the URL you intend to browse might be ban, but converting them to another a shorter URL with short URL services might just help you to bypass the settings.
Here are some of the most famous URL shortners Service providers:,, and
7). Using HTTPS Instead of HTTP
We also noticed that by using https instead of http in the url address, we get bypass the firewall that blocks certain website. It might be due to the fact that the firewall treats and as totally different websites.
Predictions That Came True in 2012
1. A Cyborg Competes Against Able-Bodied Athletes at the Olympics
For the first time ever in Olympic history, a double-amputee raced alongside able-bodied athletes. Nicknamed "Blade Runner," South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius's remarkable achievement raised as much enthusiasm as it did concern — some observers felt that his advanced prosthetic "Cheetahs" gave him an unfair advantage over the other athletes. But while Pistorius failed to medal, his remarkable achievement signified the dawn of the cyborg age.
2. NASA Starts to Work on a Faster-Than-Light Warp Drive

Speaking at the 100 Year Starship 2012 Public Symposium earlier this year, physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his team at NASA had begun work on the development of a faster-than-light warp drive. His proposed design, an ingenious re-imagining of an Alcubierre Drive, may eventually result in an engine that can transport a spacecraft to the nearest star in a matter of weeks — and all without violating Einstein's law of relativity. Though still in the proof-of-concept phase, White and his colleagues are trying to turn theory into practice — and potentially change the nature of space travel as we know it.
3. Scientists Enhance the Intelligence of Primates with a Chip
Back in September, scientists demonstrated that a brain implant could improve thinking ability in primates — and by a factor of 10 percent. By implanting an electrode array into the cerebral cortex of monkeys, researchers were able to restore — and even improve — their decision-making abilities. The implications for possible therapies are far-reaching, including potential treatments for cognitive disorders and brain injuries. And it also means the era of animal uplifting has begun.
4. The Earth Experiences its First True Superstorm
Back in 1999, Art Bell and Whitley Strieber published a book titled The Coming Global Superstorm. It predicted that global warming would eventually result in sudden and catastrophic climatic effects — including the onset of unusually large storms. Now, 13 years later — although some are still loathe to admit it — the Atlantic Ocean experienced its first bona fide superstorm. Sandy was a colossal hurricane that occupied a space measuring 1.8 million square miles (4.6 million square kilometers), and stretched from the Mid-Atlantic to the Ohio Valley, and into Canada and New England. It may have been the first, but it certainly won't be the last.
5. The World's First Cybernetic Hate Crime Occurs at a McDonalds in France
Steve Mann, the "father of wearable computing," was physically assaulted while visiting a McDonalds in Paris, France. The Canadian university professor was at the restaurant with his family when three different McDonalds employees took exception to his "Digital Eye Glass" device and attempted to forcibly remove it from his head. Mann was then physically removed from the store by the employees, along with having his support documentation destroyed. It was the first ever recorded assault of a person instigated by the prominent display of a Google Glass-like wearable computer.
6. Augmented Reality Goes Mainstream
Speaking of Google Glass — this was the year that augmented reality finally hit the big time. Back in April, Google unveiled preliminary designs and a short concept piece showcasing the technology — an initiative to create smart shades straight out of Vernon Vinge's Rainbows End or Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson's Transmetropolitan. Soon thereafter, beta testers could be seen cruising the streets of California with their sweet wearable devices.
7. Researchers Create a Robot With Legs That Can Run Faster Than any Human
Boston Dynamics, along with funding from DARPA's Maximum Mobility Program, significantly revved up their Cheetah Robot this year. The previous iteration ran at a speed of 18 mph (29 kph), but the new version clocked upwards of 28.8 mph (46.3 kph) — demolishing its previous record, and even surpassing the fasted recorded human speed on Earth. Not content to stop there, Boston Dynamics also upgraded their robotic pack mule (a.k.a. "Big Dog") so that it can respond to vocal commands.
8. The First Successful Commercial Cargo Delivery to Space Goes Off Without a Hitch
Early on the morning of October 10, SpaceX's supply-hauling Dragon capsule was successfully captured by astronauts aboard the International Space Station, marking the first-ever commercial cargo delivery to the manned space outpost. With 11 resupply missions remaining in the SpaceX/NASA contract, it seems the private company's billion-dollar delivery deal with The Agency is off to a good start — as is the prospect for commercial space flight in general.
9. An Electric Car is the Year's Best
If anyone ever doubted that electric cars were the future, those concerns were officially laid to rest in 2012. Tesla's luxury Sedan, the Model S, captured one of the auto industry's most prestigious awards by taking home Motor Trend's Car of the Year honors. It marked the first time that an electric car has taken the top prize — a vehicle that doesn't run on gas or have an internal combustion engine.
10. Doctors Communicate With a Man in a Coma
Back in 2010, neuroscientists confirmed that it was possible to communicate with some patients locked in a vegetative state by using an fMRI scanner. Though limited, the breakthrough suggested that more meaningful dialogue with patients in a coma could someday be possible. And now, two years later, it finally happened. A Canadian man in a vegetative state used his thoughts to tell scientists that he is not in any pain, marking the first time a patient in such a condition has relayed information relevant to their care.
11. The First Large-Scale Geoengineering Project is Detected Off Canada's West Coast
This wasn't how it was supposed to play out, but a massive and illegal geoengineering project was detected off Canada's west coast in October — the product of a "rogue geohacker" named Russ George. Backed by a private company, the U.S. businessman unilaterally conducted the world's most significant geoengineering project to date by dumping around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean, a technique known as ocean fertilization. The experiment, which is in violation of two United Nations moratoria, outraged environmental, legal, and civic groups.
12. A Child Attends School By Sending a Robot in His Place
The rise of telecommuting robots has increasingly allowed stay-at-home workers to create a virtual presence at their remote workplaces. It now appears, however, that working professionals aren't the only ones taking advantage of telepresence technologies: A six-year old boy with severe allergies from Seneca Falls, NY, is using a VGo robot to attend school — and it's an experiment that appears to be working. The technology is quickly attracting the attention of other educators, including districts in Colorado, Arkansas, and Pittsburgh. It may only be a matter of time before VGo and other telepresence robots will make their way into other schools.
13. A Paralyzed Woman Controls a Robotic Arm Using Only Her Mind
Researchers made significant improvements to BrainGate this year — a brain-machine interface that allows users to control an external device with their minds. Cathy Hutchinson, who has been paralyzed from the neck down for 15 years, was able to drink her morning coffee by controlling a robotic arm using only her mind. Hutchinson is one of two quadriplegic patients — both of them stroke victims — who have learned to control the device by means of the BrainGate neural implant. It's the first published demonstration that humans with severe brain injuries can control a sophisticated prosthetic arm with such a system.
14. Self-Driving Cars Become Legal in Several States

Slowly but surely we're entering into the era of the driverless car. 2012 marked an important year as three states made autonomous vehicles legal, including California, Nevada, and Florida. Upon signing the bill into law in California, Governor Jerry Brown said they're "turning today's science fiction into tomorrow's reality." Self-driving cars, once perfected and produced en masse, will help with traffic congestion and significantly reduce the chance of auto accidents through the use of GPS, radar, and other technologies.
15. Scientists Create an Artificial Retina
Two British men who were completely blind for years were able to regain some of their vision after undergoing surgery to fit eye implants. The pioneering treatment is at an early stage of development, but it marks an important step forward in an effort to help those who have lost their sight from a condition known as retinitis pigmentosa. And in related news, other researchers successfully streamed Braille patterns directly onto a blind person's retina, allowing him to read letters and words visually, with almost 90% accuracy. Developed by researchers at Second Sight, the headset-like device is set to revolutionize the way degenerative eye diseases are treated.
16. Researchers Create the First Complete Computer Model of a Living Organism
Stanford researchers created the first complete computational model of an actual organism — Mycoplasma genitalia, a sexually transmitted disease and the world's smallest free-living bacteria at 525 genes. The breakthrough represented a significant step forward in the field of artificial life - and the promise of developing entirely new organisms. Through future work, scientists may be able to develop new approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of disease — including the creation of yeast or bacteria designed to mass-produce pharmaceuticals — and to create personalized medicine. And in other computer news, researchers successfully simulated a nuclear explosion down to the molecular level.
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- Steve Wozniak Criticizes Steve Jobs Biopic Film
- THQ broken up........
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- How to Access Blocked Website Anywhere?
- Predictions That Came True in 2012
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